On the finance market, there are various types of contract offered for selling receivables. The most significant differentiator is the fact, whether the end user/debtor has been informed about the financing type or not.
Factoring as the so-called tacit type offers all the advantages of the digitized financing world: liquidity, del credere protection, rating and value improvements of your corporation as well as the security of your sensitive corporate data (under certain conditions).
The market is broker-driven.
For banks, global cessions of receivables do not represent collaterals eligible for evaluation, but they are intended exclusively to achieve the loyality of clients to the bank. In case of corporate crises, liquidity problems or a planned withdrawal of the financing bank, global cessions of receivables are a considerable pressure factor to initiate fast withdrawals of banks. Credit lines can be reduced at a faster rate by means of repayment from clients and debtors than by liquidation of collaterals. It is also for this reason that financing working capital by means of factoring has become the major instrument to finance equipment – reaching new peaks in every new year.
Suppliers differ first according to existing IT systems and later according to their reaction to a crisis for the seller of receivables.
Due to new IT programs of suppliers, both payment security and liquidity level will improve. Respective factoring solutions are therefore primarily IT-driven and not very flexible. Therefore, the knowledge of the IT details of the factor will determine the decision of each company for a supplier.
In the meantime, factoring as tacit type or as in-house factoring has become a natural element of equipment financing – completely independent of the size of the corporation. Factoring is THE ANCHOR PRODUCT of the digitized financing market.
Factoring is a broker-driven business and always subject to tendering.
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