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Financial Projects – Your Expert for All Issues of Corporate Financing

Our Concept

Induced by legislation, industrialization currently provides advantages concerning contracts and liquidity for corporate and export financing. We adapt the financing structures of large and medium-sized companies to these new possibilities in close coordination with companies, thus ensuring the complete financing of growth and renewal projects – including the end users of our customers.

„To the one who believes, everything is possible“ (Mark 9,23)

Corporate Finance

Financial Projects supports the processes of reorganizing the financing structure of your company as well as of raising funds of any type.

Vendor Finance

Financial Projects ensures the sale of machines and equipment through financing end-customers worldwide.

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By means of tender processes, Financial Projects arranges short- and long-term liquidity for corporate financing – independent of the credit rating and growth of the company and the reason of the requirement.

On the basis of your monthly rate, calculated here, we tender your financing inquiry for vehicles of any type as well as for machinery and equipment and deal with all formalities. Please select the equipment class and register for the access to execute your daily calculation.


Restructuring Corporate Finance

It is already for a longer period that the financing market has turned in favor of the companies and moved away from the banks. Today, companies are no longer demanding for credit but they are offering assets. As a consequence, a provider can now place inquiries by consistent tendering processes at financing institutes. In this context, those institutes are addressed, which are allowed to provide highest possible liquidity for individual securities (assets) in compliance with BaFin regulations.

Financial Projects retrieves liquidity from the market for your personal convenience and advantage.

Jahrbuch 2018 Digitale Transformation

Digital Transformation in the Credit Business

In the course of digitization, processes are completely reconsidered, thus changing market positions. As far as corporate financing is concerned, digitization enables companies for example a new way when dealing with banks as well as obtaining funds through tendering. This is practically a paradigm shift, where an employer can shift from a demander of financing to a provider of assets. The parallel registration and evaluation of fixed and current assets within the IT system of financial services companies puts the companies into a position to have more liquidity at their disposal than provided from the banks. In the essence, it means that the online-based credit is on the advance.

Anmeldung zum Informationsbrief

Well Informed – The Financial Projects Information Letter

With our information letter we report on current issues and events of the banking and finance market. The information letter is regularly published once or twice a year as enclosure to an email.

If you wish to receive the information letter in future, please indicate your email address – any other information is optional. Then you will receive an email. Please confirm your subscription by sending it back.

You can unsubscribe to the information letter at any time by using the unsubscribe button in the latest information letter or sending an email to us.

Financial Projects

Wir sind führender Anbieter von Finanzierungsberatung für den gehobenen Mittelstand.

Our Service

We are the leading provider of financing consulting for the upper midsized sector. We are independent and committed to the interests of our clients.

Our Mission

It is our task to respect the investment decisions of our customers, to spare them ways and conversations as well as to impose the best – regarding price and contract – financing solution in the market.


A close financing network in Europe, the USA, and the BRICS states. Within Germany, complete for all financing products.


More than 30 years of experience in Corporate Finance and the leading supplier in Vendor Finance / sales financing.


We are independent and committed exclusively to the interests of our clients.


If the customer is satisfied, we are in most cases not yet content.

Data Protection

The protection of the data of our customers is given highest priority.

Time Saving

Our customers are saving much time, because we are financing professionals and assist the credit request and the approval process until the payment is made.

Quality which is appreciated as well

© 2023 Financial Projects